Rayon Littérature contemporaine (20e et 21e siècles)
The weave of fragmentation : discursive struggle in novels of Assia Djebar, Sabiha Khemir, Rachida Madani

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 118 pages
Poids : 228 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-2-343-14477-1
EAN : 9782343144771

The weave of fragmentation

discursive struggle in novels of Assia Djebar, Sabiha Khemir, Rachida Madani

Collection(s) | L'orizzonte
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Broché 118 pages

Quatrième de couverture


It is from the vantage point of deconstruction and reconstruction that this analysis of three novels written by three French Maghrebian writers (Assia Djebar, Sabiha Khemir and Rachida Madani) takes shape. The three women writers are all contemporary, all dislocated, all culturally apart, in one sense or another, and are all in quest of a triumph (cultural or textual) that will not and cannot come to be. In a deliberate and requisite effort to forge an alternate path, one must resolutely, if submissively, de-trope these works, so as to situate and disinter therein the foci of plight and loss, distance and intimacy, self and other, victory and betrayal. In and by this very process of meta-poetic exploration, the multi-layered components of discursive struggle come to define the very weave of fragmentation.


Professor M. J. Muratore, University of Missouri Curators' Distinguished Professor, is author of numerous book-length studies, among which figure : The Evolution of the Cornelian Heroine ; Cornelian Theater : The Metadramatic Dimension ; Mimesis and Metatextuality in the Neo-Classical Text ; Expirer au féminin : Narratives of Female Dissolution in the French Neo-Classical Text ; Exiles, Outcasts, Strangers : Icons of Marginalization in Post-World War II Narrative ; Moliere's Metatextual Maneuvers ; Survej of French Literature : Middle Ages through the 18th Century ; and Survey of French Literature : 19th and 20th Centuries. She has as well directed, edited and contributed to multiple essay collections : Hermeneutics of Textual Madness : Re-Readings/Herméneutique de la folie textuelle : re-lectures (two volumes) ; and Molière Re-Envisioned. Twenty-First Century Ketakes/Renouveau et renouvellement moliéresques. Reprises contemporaines. A wide-ranging spectrum of scholarly articles appear in international journals and focus on French, European and post-colonial works. Writers explored include, but are not limited to : Mme de Lafayette, La Bruyère, Perrault, La Fontaine, Corneille, Racine, Molière, Guilleragues, Scarron, Cyrano de Bergerac, Bernardin de St. Pierre, Balzac, Camus, Genet, Calvino, Machado de Assis, Wright, Wiesel, Sábato, Pineau, Zongo, Naipaul, Djebar.

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Du même auteur : Mary Jo Muratore