Rayon Films et documentaires
To Petrarca : who walked over the hills of Provence

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Poids : 215 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 22cm
ISBN : 978-2-914563-44-4
EAN : 9782914563444

To Petrarca

who walked over the hills of Provence

Collection(s) | Zagzig
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Quatrième de couverture

To Petrarca is a book and CD set, consisting of a sound diary, an original sound piece culled from Jonas Mekas' personal archives, originally broadcast on radio France Culture on June 29th, 2003. It is expanded in the accompanying book by his personal drawings, photos and correspondence. In this work, Jonas Mekas offers us images and sounds following a structure similar to his pioneering film diaries.


A New York experimental filmmaker of Lithuanian origin, Jonas Mekas has been living in the United States since 1949, when he started keeping a film diary (Walden, Lost Lost Lost, Scenes from the life of Andy Warhol, etc.). In 1954 he launched the magazine Film Culture, and between 1958 and 1976 he wrote a column in The Village Voice, fiercely defending the underground cinema to which he contributed more than anyone to galvanize, organize and promote worldwide. While pursuing his written and film work, he also founded and managed the `Anthology Film Archives', the New York Cinémathèque devoted to avant-garde cinema.

Avis des lecteurs

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