Rayon Criminalité
Transgressive women : case studies using the Davido-ChaD

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 97 pages
Poids : 200 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 21cm
ISBN : 978-2-84924-607-8
EAN : 9782849246078

Transgressive women

case studies using the Davido-ChaD

Collection(s) | C-psy
Paru le
Broché 97 pages
translated from the French by Natalia Holstein Charron
preface by Mauricette Gardez

Quatrième de couverture

Transgressive women

Case Studies using the Davido-CHaD

In the years since Roseline Davido PhD, created the CHaD Test, a projective personality test that interprets a prescribed series of drawings and can be used in any culture and on any age group, it has been used internationally to great success to detect and diagnose cases of child abuse, sexual abuse, and to create personality profiles of suspected and convicted terrorists and serial killers. Roseline Davido now turns her attention to a demographic that is little understood : women who have themselves committed acts of violence such as infanticide, pedophilia, or terrorism, and women who are married to convicted terrorists. Through case studies of their CHaD tests, this work will illuminate trends in the psychological profiles of violent women, uncover suppressed traumas that could be contributing causes of the womens transgressive behaviors, and also establish diagnostics and predictive factors for women who risk making the transition from contemplating violence to acting on it. As in her prior works, She intends the proposed study to function both as a report of findings and trends, and also a field guide for clinical psychologists who wish to use and correctly interpret the CHaD themselves.


Roseline Durido, creator of the Darido-CHaD, is a Doctor in Clinical Psychology and Psychanalysis at the University of Paris 7 and a Visiting Professor at the University of Persada Indonesia, in the department of Professor Sarlito W. Sarwono, Djakarta. International specialist in childrens drawings and former School Psychologist and Inspector in France's Department of National Education, she is President of the International Association of the Darido-CHaD. Dr. Darido also directs the Archipsy Collection at Éditions L'Archipel and the C-Psy Collection at Éditions du Cygne.

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