Rayon Transport terrestre
Urban logistics spaces : methodological guide

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 116 pages
Poids : 232 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
ISBN : 978-2-11-009042-3
EAN : 9782110090423

Urban logistics spaces

methodological guide

Paru le
Broché 116 pages
rédaction Daniel Boudouin
avant-propos Elisabeth Dupont-Kerlan

Quatrième de couverture

How can the circulation of goods in town be optimised, whilst reducing the movement of vehicles at the same time as environmental pollution and service costs?

The "Urban Logistics Spaces" (ELU) presented here can answer that question. These are facilities intended to reconfigure flows across towns by introducing break of load points. The purpose of this guide is to support institutions and professionals seeking to implement such a facility by providing them with an analysis method, an estimate of the resources to be committed, a method for action and benchmarks.

The research and experimental action that has enabled this guide is part of a persistent national effort, particularly within the framework of the national "Goods in town" programme, to improve knowledge and know-how in a field which has been neglected for too long.


Daniel Boudouin is a research engineer at the Laboratory of the University of the Mediterranean specialising in Logistics (CRET-LOG). He coordinated the ELU federative action implemented within the framework of PREDIT with Laetitia Dablanc.

Avis des lecteurs

Attention et somnolence au volant

Politiques de transport : prospective et outils : synthèse des travaux du g

Le péage urbain

La dépendance à l'égard de l'automobile

Economie de la sécurité routière : enjeux, état des lieux et réflexions pro

Service de mobilité et d'information : innovation et recherche

Quels avenirs pour les systèmes d'assistances technologiques à la conduite

Les plans de déplacements urbains