Rayon Châteaux et palais
Versailles : château, estate, collections

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 327 pages
Poids : 708 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 23cm
ISBN : 978-2-85495-652-8
EAN : 9782711873340


château, estate, collections

Paru le
Broché 327 pages
text Pierre Lemoine
revised and completed for the new version by Jérémie Benoît, Yves Carlier, Frédéric Lacaille, Alexandre Maral
in collaboration with Hélène Delalex
translation David and Jonathan Michaelson
foreword Béatrix Saule
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Quatrième de couverture

With more than three hundred pages, three hundred illustrations, and many plans and indexes, this book is an indispensable guide to understanding the Château of Versailles. It provides a detailed history of this fascinating Château and sets out - in the order of the itinerary - an exhaustive description of each room and its function : the State and Private Apartments, the Chapel, the Opera, the Château's History Galleries, the collections of paintings and sculptures in the Historical Museum, the Petit and Grand Trianon, and a comprehensive guide to the extensive park and its many groves.

Avis des lecteurs

Château de Versailles : guide du musée et domaine national de Versailles et

Les Sculptures. Vol. 1. Le Musée : catalogue sommaire

Les pastels

Versailles et Trianon : guide du musée et domaine national de Versailles et

Les Peintures : catalogue

Versailles : château, domaine, collections : le guide officiel