Rayon France
Way without tarmac : Canary Islands

Fiche technique

Format : Broché sous jaquette
Nb de pages : 23 pages
Poids : 336 g
Dimensions : 24cm X 20cm
EAN : 9782907410670

Way without tarmac

Canary Islands

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Broché sous jaquette 23 pages
texte Bruno Duborgel
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Quatrième de couverture

Rolf Walter's photographs and drawings collected in this book take as their theme Shantytown, its constructions and inhabitants. This Berlin artist's book is not an ethnological documentary peddling some harrowing scene of misery. His primary intention is one of admiration. The work has developed from a mutual giving: Rolf Walter imbibes the proliferation of signs, fixtures, materials and colours from this Canary Island Shantytown. According to the delicacy of their echoes, he shows us their indirect fellowship with us, a thousand aspects of what is meant by "artistic work."


Rolf Walter's images introduce us to the benefits of an adventurously poetic, artistic gaze cast upon these humble builders and homes and so restore to them their portion of dignity and beauty. Words and images, interwoven by Rolf Walter and Bruno Duborgel, guide us not so much on a "visit" as on a "visitation", from an Artist's perspective, of the Shantytown.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Rolf Walter

Chemin sans asphalte : îles Canaries

Camino sin asfalto : Islas Canarias

Weg ohne asphalt : îles Canaries

Du même auteur : Bruno Duborgel

Paysages d'Epinal : musée de l'image, Epinal

Gaston Bachelard : du rêveur ironiste au pédagogue inspiré

Philippe Favier, Abracadavra

Yves Bresson : efflorescences d'inconnu

Pierre Soulages, La planche noire de lumière

Lassaâd Metoui : art, amour, calligraphie

Chemin sans asphalte : îles Canaries

Pierre Soulages, Brou de noix