Rayon Les milieux naturels
What a Shell can tell : where they live, what they eat, how they move and more

Fiche technique

Format : Relié
Nb de pages : 47 pages
Poids : 660 g
Dimensions : 26cm X 33cm
ISBN : 978-1-83866-430-5
EAN : 9781838664305

What a Shell can tell

where they live, what they eat, how they move and more

Paru le
Relié 47 pages
illustrated by Sonia Pulido
A partir de 6 ans

Quatrième de couverture

What can a shell's shape or colour tell you ?

What do its patterns and textures say ?

Did you know that you can tell how old a shell is ?

Take a closer look - there is so much that a shell can tell.

Avis des lecteurs

Du même auteur : Helen Scales

Les coquillages... et ce qu'ils cachent

Shells... and what they hide inside

La Grande Barrière de corail