Rayon Musique populaire moderne
Woody Guthrie : 1940-1951 : bande dessinée + 2 CD

Fiche technique

Format : Cartonné
Poids : 500 g
Dimensions : 15cm X 26cm
ISBN : 978-2-37450-146-8
EAN : 9782374501468

Woody Guthrie

bande dessinée + 2 CD

Collection(s) | BD folk
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Woody guthrie

Thierry Murat

Barde intransigeant, rebelle, marginal, Woody Guthrie est certainement un des chanteurs américains les plus légendaires du XXe siècle. Il a servi notamment de modèle aux chanteurs folk engagés des années 60 et 70, en particulier Bob Dylan dont une des premières compositions fut « Tribute to Woody » !

Mais au delà de sa légende, avivée par un individualisme exacerbé et un destin tragique, Woody demeure un des paroliers les plus habiles et les plus féconds de la Country Music des années 30 et 40. Nombre de ses compositions sont devenues des standards de la musique folk, reprises et traduites dans le monde entier. Sa célèbre ballade This Land is Your Land a été élue une des trois plus importantes chansons américaines du XXe siècle !

An uncompromising bard and a rebel with a marginal character, Woody Guthrie is definitely a legend among 20th century American singers. He served notably as a model for the protest singers in Sixties and Seventies folk-music, and especially influenced Bob Dylan, whose first compositions even included a « Tribute to Woody ».

But more than just a legend - a myth strengthened by his intense individualism and tragic destiny -, Woody remains one of the most skifful, fertile lyricists that Country Music produced in the Thirties and Forties. Many of his compositions have become folk standards, and his songs have been translated the world over. His famous ballad « This Land is Your Land » was even voted one of the three most important American songs of the 20th century !

CD1 Woody guthrie 1940 / 1944

  1. Jesus Christ 2'38
  2. The great dust storm 3'19
  3. Talking dust bowl 2'39
  4. Blowin' down the road 3'01
  5. Tom Joad I et II 6'49
  6. Do re mi 2'34
  7. Vigilante man 3'21
  8. Dust can't kill me 2'54
  9. Dust pneumonia blues 2'41
  10. Roll on Columbia 3'08
  11. Talking Columbia 3'16
  12. Columbia's waters 4'19
  13. It takes a married man to sing a worried song 1'41
  14. Way up in the north west 4'50
  15. Grand coulee dam 2'56
  16. Washington talkin' blues 3'15
  17. Great and bloody fight 2'08
  18. New York town 2'36
  19. Poor boy 2'28

Cd2 Woody guthrie 1944 / 1951

  1. Talking merchant marine 3'04
  2. Sally don't you grieve 2'23
  3. 900 miles 2'45
  4. John Henry 2'42
  5. My dirty overalls 1'56
  6. Guitar blues 2'22
  7. Jackhammer blues 2'37
  8. Going down the road feeling bad 2'55
  9. Sally goodin' 2'27
  10. Crawdad song 2'53
  11. Ida red 2'58
  12. Hard travelin' 2'32
  13. Talking fishing blues 3'04
  14. When the yanks go marching in 2'46
  15. The rising sun blues 2'56
  16. The oregon trail 2'46
  17. Ludlow massacre 3'29
  18. Ramblin' round 2'14
  19. Pastures of plenty 2'26
  20. End of the line 2'51
  21. This land is your land 2'18

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