Rayon Vins et œnologie
Imprints of Wine

Fiche technique

Format : Coffret
Nb de pages : 816 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 25cm X 35cm
ISBN : 978-2-914635-20-2
EAN : 9782914635202

Imprints of Wine

Paru le
Coffret 816 pages

Quatrième de couverture

A sumptuous journey through authentic winegrowmg lands, fîttingly preserved and enhanced by their janitors. By imparting their knowledge tous these winemakers give us an intimate insight into the beauties of Nature Through its offspnng of Wine, the Vine - a symbol of life and durability - leads'us on'a trail of pleasure that simultaneously stimulates all five senses The pleasure so experienced is conveyed in this book by the rich and generous words of Humanist and the magnificent illustrations of a talented Artist. Via his paint pallet, he has used a canvas of living cork bark to lay down Imprints of Wine a living, breathing reflection of the air the earth and the work accomplished by Man.

Avis des lecteurs

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